Supporting the University of Wisconsin–Madison with Scholarships, Service, Education, and Friendship
Memorial Union Sunset

Interest Groups

All members are invited to participate in one or more Interest Groups. Interest Groups provide unique opportunities for friendship, sharing and learning. Contact group leader/leaders for meeting updates or to sign up after Pay-in-May. The only requirement is paid membership in University League.

Interest Group Chair:  Jane Dunn  (

Assistant Interest Group Chair:  Gabriela Cerghedean (

      Interest Group Meeting Schedule 2024-2025 (pdf)

Click on any interest group below for more information, including meeting times, organizer contact, and a brief description of the activities.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

Armchair Travelers

First Monday, 6:45 pm, October through May

Contact: Mary Jo Willis  (

Via Zoom

Learn about places to travel with little effort on your part, the foods of the country or area, ways to travel (rail, barge), the ins and outs of safe, low-stress travel, and the unique cultures of places both within the US and other countries. Everyone is welcome.

Armchair Travelers–General Information (PDF)



Third Tuesday, various times, September-May

Contact: Helen Read (
or Diane Smidt (

The Antiques Interest Group pursues talks, tours, gallery visits, museum experiences and some excursions out of town to points of interest. Come and join us!

Bird Study

Fridays, 9:00 am, Spring and Fall

Contacts: Roma Lenehan ( or Jill Feldkamp (

Walk different trails—observe birds and their habitats. Meet at the far western end of the parking lot at Covenant Presbyterian Church at the corner of Segoe Road and Mineral Point Roads.

Birding Activities (PDF)

Birding Schedule 2024-25 (PDF)

Book Critics

Second Monday, 7:00 pm, September–May, plus July

Contact: Kris Brown ( or
Polly Kuelbs  (

Via Zoom

Books for the year are chosen in July. Reviewers volunteer to lead each month. Books are generally fiction and are available in paperback and/or at the library.

Book Discussion

Third Monday, 1:00 pm, September–May

Contact: Karen H. Harris

Sequoya Library Study Room and sometimes at members’ homes

A varied selection of books for the upcoming year are chosen in May from member nominations. Each month, a volunteer leads the discussion, offering members ample opportunity to pose or answer questions, and to share their views. Members alternate volunteering to serve light refreshments before the discussion begins.

Book Discussion Group Activities (PDF)


Third Thursday, 9:30 am-noon, September through May

Contact: Jane Dunn  (

Schwoegler Park Towne Lanes (Westside)

Have fun with Tap 8 Bowling (8 or more pins scores a strike). No experience necessary! Meet at 9:30 to form 3-person teams, find bowling ball, and get shoes to begin bowling promptly at 10:00am. $12 lineage fee includes shoes for two hours of bowling. RSVP monthly so lanes can be reserved as a group. Establish a handicap after 3 games. Lunch after bowling optional. Other bowling alley locations possible.

Bridge All Levels

Thursday, noon, year-round

Contacts: Judy Stang ( and Priscilla Thain (

Oak Leaf Café, 2nd floor of Tower Building at Oakwood West

Players will be contacted early each week to determine who is playing.

Card & Board Games

Second Wednesday, 1:00 pm, September through May

Contact: Jane Dunn  (

Covenant Presbyterian Church, Room A101.

Let’s play! Bring your own games. Learn a new game or find others to play your favorite game. Play same or new games each month. Cards like Quiddler, UNO, Pinochle, Hearts and others. Board games like Chess, Checkers, Scrabble, Dominoes, Backgammon and more.

Climate & Environment

First Tuesday, 1:00-2:30pm, September through May

Contact: Carol Phelps  (

Middleton Senior Center, Wisconsin Room and/or via Zoom

People who care about our planet get together to encourage each other with environmental success stories, clean tech innovations, and climate good news from Madison to across the globe. We’ll support and inspire to make our world better

Dining Out Lunch

Fourth Wednesday, 11:30 am, year- round

Contact: Kathy Knox (

Area restaurants

Members enjoy good food and good company and take turns planning lunch at area restaurants. Restaurants are selected for a variety of cuisines, tastes, price ranges, and venues.

French I Reading and Conversation

Second and fourth Wednesdays, 12:30–2:30 pm, September through May

Contacts: Dory Lightfoot ( and Elizabeth A. Hoadley (

Via Zoom, in members homes, or at the Sequoya Library

French conversation using selected books as basis for discussion.

French Conversation II

Third Wednesday, 12:30 – 2:30 pm, September through May

Contact: Sue Thieben  (

In members’ homes or at public libraries

Members meet to engage in conversation in French and enjoy light refreshment. Selected readings may be used.


Fourth Monday, 6:45 pm, September through May

Contacts: Louise Thompson  ( and Mary Jo Willis (

Via Zoom

You do not need to be a genealogist to join. We invite experts and our own members, who share their knowledge and stories, and provide assistance. At times, we invite speakers speakers to give presentations on genealogical research or local/state history. Everyone is welcome.

Surnames Being Researched (PDF)

German Genealogy Links

Mah Jongg

Second and fourth Tuesday, 10:30 am-12:30 pm, September through May

Contact: Barbara Widder  (

Saukdale Condominium Clubhouse, 717 Saukdale Way

Play the American version of Mah Jongg, an ancient Chinese game using tiles. New and experienced players are welcome, as well as those who wish to learn the game.

Movies in the Afternoon

Second Tuesday, afternoon

Contact: Roma Lenehan  (

Local theaters.

Join friends once a month to view and discuss new movies at local theaters. Time and meeting location will vary depending on movie schedules. Singles and couples welcome.

Spanish Conversation

Second Thursday, 1:00–2:30 pm, year-round

Contacts: Daniel Hill ( and Elia Basurto-Colson (

Zoom, Sequoya Library, or Rennebohm Park

An informal group where League members speak Spanish while sharing ideas, opinions and experiences. Links to articles covering a wide array of topics are sent to participants prior to the meetings and are the basis for discussions. At Zoom meetings, relevant videos are sometimes shown. An intermediate level or higher of language fluency is recommended. New participants are encouraged to join.

Spanish Reading & Literature

First and third Thursday, 1:00–3:00 pm, year-round

Contact:  Daniel Hill  (

Zoom with option to meet at the Sequoya Library. Reading and discussing works by contemporary authors from the Spanish-speaking world. Members also share cultural activities and personal experiences. New participants are encouraged to attend.


First Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 am, Quarterly Oct, Dec, Feb, April

Contact:  Linda Baumann (

Via Zoom

The Technology Interest Group was formed for the purpose of educating and supporting members in their technology needs and interests. Group members decide on an area of interest for each meeting.

Wine Divas & Divos

Fourth Thursday, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, September through May, with November/December combined

Contact: Elaine Rosenblatt (

Various locations with some Zoom.

Are you on a first-name basis with any Super Tuscans? Have you tried the wines of Lake County, California? Wine Divas & Divos offers the opportunity to taste new and different wines while enjoying lively conversation. Each meeting centers on a wine theme, usually with appetizers.  One or several members volunteer to host a meeting, selecting the theme. Meetings are held at various locations with some virtual meetings. For in-person meetings, the host(s) supply the wine and appetizers. Each attendee for in-person meetings contributes $20 to help defray costs. Consider joining this fun and educational Interest Group.